Croissants are one of my all time favorite pastries to devour. This "devouring" has become an art. First step, to make sure the pastry leaves an apparent footprint of grease in my carry away bag . . . this is the true test of home baked goodness. Next, peel off layer by layer of the flaky dough until you are left with the delicate center, let each piece melt in your mouth. Savor the last couple bites for as long as possible, for nothing is as good as the center of the croissant. But of course, my three steps to devouring a croissant are only truly enjoyed with the homemade variety. Don't ever waste your time on imitations.
In all seriousness, for me, the croissant brings along a sense of intrigue and complexity. I always envisioned a baker slaving away in the kitchen, rolling out layer after layer of dough, with no end in sight, only to achieve perfection. No normal, sane person could ever assemble something so complex and time consuming. But in October 2009, I am so happy to say I proved myself wrong.
Happy Croissant Hunting:
The ultimate croissant I've ever tasted comes from Tartine Bakery in San Francisco. A truly delicious experience, one unmatched to any other. This croissant sets the highest standards. If you live in Ventura, check out My Florist. They have consistently proved to be quality bakers of breads and pastries. Renaud's Patisserie in Santa Barbara is a small French cafe with some tasty croissants and quaint, french ambiance.
The ultimate croissant I've ever tasted comes from Tartine Bakery in San Francisco. A truly delicious experience, one unmatched to any other. This croissant sets the highest standards. If you live in Ventura, check out My Florist. They have consistently proved to be quality bakers of breads and pastries. Renaud's Patisserie in Santa Barbara is a small French cafe with some tasty croissants and quaint, french ambiance.